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Henrik Bonnerup resigns as director in Jetpak

Following Polaris* sale of all their shares in Jetpak Top Holding AB (publ) (“Jetpak” or the “Company”), Henrik Bonnerup has today requested his own resignation as director in the Company. Proposal for a new board of directors and a potential new member of the board will be presented by the nomination committee no later than in connection with the announcement of the notice to the annual general meeting 2020.

*) ”Polaris Shareholders” refers to i) Polaris Private Equity III K/S and Kommanditselskabet af 1. marts 2009 (CIV), represented by its general partner Polaris III Invest Fonden and ii) Polaris Private Equity II K/S and Kommanditselskabet (CIV) af 8 februar 2005, represented by their general partners Polaris Invest II ApS and Polaris II Invest Fonden.



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