Mandatory public offer 2024

Pak Logistik Intressenter AB has on 7 June 2024 announced a mandatory public offer to the shareholders of Jetpak Top Holding AB (publ).

More information on the offer can be found under the following link:

On July 5, 2024, the board of Jetpak Top Holding AB (publ) issued a statement regarding the mandatory public offer submitted by Pak Logistik Intressenter AB (“Pak Logistik Intressenter”) on June 7, 2024, in which the board recommended the shareholders of Jetpak not to accept the offer.

The full press release, including independent valuation statement (so-called fairness opinion), can be found under the heading “News” on this page.

In light of the fact that the voluntary public offer was declared unconditional on 23 September 2024, Pak Logistik Intressenter announced that the consideration in the mandatory public offer was increased to the same consideration as in the increased voluntary public offer, i.e. SEK 104.50 in cash per share. 

On September 13, 2024, the board published its recommendation to the shareholders of Jetpak to accept the increased voluntary public offer of SEK 104.50 per share, among other things against the background of an independent valuation statement from Deloitte according to which the offer was reasonable from a financial perspective. For the reasons included in the board’s recommendation regarding the increased voluntary public offer, the Jetpak board recommended on September 25, 2024 the shareholders who did not accept the increased voluntary public offer to accept the increased mandatory public offer.